How to negotiate on your first job

Negotiating your graduate salaries is a regular occurrence during the hiring process. However, just 38% of new grads negotiated their wage after obtaining a job offer in 2018. Despite the fact that three-quarters of companies feel they have room to raise their first wage offer by 5 to 10%. 

All to often recent graduates accept do two crucial mistakes in their recruitment process. The first mistake recent graduates do is to discuss their salary expectations while during the interview section.

Although this might be approached by recruiters, usually the salary discussion should only be mentioned after receiving a offer from the organization as it gives you more time to both evaluate the company as well as have a real indication that the organization would like to hire you.

The second mistake that recent graduates often do would be the exact opposite of the first, as they take the salary proposed from an organization as set in stone. As mentioned previously companies usually have room for some negotiation in order to be able to employ a candidate, however they will not mention it if not necessary. As such  it is crucial, that negotiations become a skill that every graduates possesses for their interview process.

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